hardscaping areas that won't grow grass easily

Do you live an area that makes it hard to grow grass? Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.

Winter Is Coming – How To Blow Out Your Sprinklers So They Don’t Burst Out In The Cold

21 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As winter approaches, most homeowners will need to do a little lawn and yard maintenance to prepare for the coming cold. One good place to begin is by winterizing your irrigation or sprinkler system. This involves 3 steps you can often do on your own to save money. Here's how winterizing your sprinklers works. Turn Off the Water The sprinkler system will have had a main shut-off valve installed when it was first put in place. Read More …

Find Out How To Water Your Yard More Efficiently

20 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

In most cases, it's necessary to water your yard or garden. Even xeriscaped yards need to be watered thoroughly for the first couple of years they are in place so that the roots will grow deep enough to survive later droughts. No matter what kind of yard you have, you want to make sure that you are watering it efficiently. Water can be expensive, and you don't want to waste it. Read More …

4 Tips For Improving Your Lawn This Spring

18 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Prior to spring approaching, you should already be planning your gardens and creating a good schedule for taking care of your lawn. During the winter season, your yard might have taken a beating with the frequent rain, ice, and snow. The following tips help you to improve your lawn during the spring. Water the Lawn Regularly You might not have watered your lawn much during the winter, depending on your climate, so make sure you remember to start watering it more frequently. Read More …

About The Pros & Cons Of Concrete Block Retaining Wall

18 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you looking to add more dimension to your landscape? You may want to think about getting a concrete block retaining wall constructed, as you will be able to fill it with soil for a raised flower bed. Find out in this article about the pros and cons of a concrete block retaining wall, as well as what getting one is estimated to cost. What are the Pros of a Concrete Block Retaining Wall? Read More …

Top Benefits Of Installing A Sprinkler System In Your Yard

18 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If your yard does not currently have a sprinkler system, you might want to think about having one installed. To help you decide whether it is truly something you want for your own yard, you might want to take a few moments to review the following benefits. Keeps The Grass Healthy Do you have the time to make sure that your grass is sufficiently watered everyday? Are you able to keep track of how much water you are manually spraying on the yard so that you are not drowning the grass? Read More …

About Me
hardscaping areas that won't grow grass easily

I live in an area that is very difficult to grow grass. If I was to water my lawn a couple of times each day, the grass may grow, but that would cost me a small fortune in water bills and waste a lot of water that could be used for more efficient purposes. Instead of fighting the grass to grow, I decided to embrace the dryness of the area and complete the landscape design using mostly hardscape materials. I used rocks of all sizes coupled with wood to create a yard that I love to spend time in and am very proud of. Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.
