
Do you live an area that makes it hard to grow grass? Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.

Can Your Storm Damaged Tree Be Saved?

30 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A large storm, particularly one that brought high winds, hail, or heavy snow, can wreak havoc on your landscape trees. Damage can range from minimal to extensive enough that the removal of the tree is necessary. When surveying your trees after the storm has passed, ask yourself the following four questions so you can determine whether or not the tree can be saved. Are any large limbs broken? The large lateral limbs of the tree make up the primary framework for the canopy. Read More …

Why Is Tree Trimming One Of The Most Common Tree Maintenance Procedures?

26 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

There are various tree maintenance tasks that can be done to take care of trees. Perhaps one of the most common tree maintenance procedures out there is tree trimming, though. It's a popular way to take care of trees for these reasons and more. It Can Be Done By the Homeowner It's easy to put off things like cutting down dead trees or removing tree stumps from your property. After all, you'll typically need to hire a professional for these jobs. Read More …

What To Keep In Mind When Designing A Deck

22 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A deck can increase the enjoyability factor of your property. Whether you want your deck as a hidden oasis in the backyard, or you want one out front so you can people watch in the neighborhood, there are things to consider when designing the perfect deck for your home. Materials Your first decision is what materials to use for the deck. The decision will come down to pressure treated lumber or a composite material made of plastic and wood fibers. Read More …

Want To Boost The Value Of Your Home? 3 Creative Ideas For Landscaping

9 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Adding more value to your home can be as simple as taking a look at the landscaping and seeing exactly what kinds of improvements you can make. If it's been a long time since you've worked on improving the exterior of your home, it's a good idea see exactly what you can do to make sure that the exterior looks better and that you feel good about what kind of appearance your yard has to people will pass by. Read More …

What To Know About Landscaping

6 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The landscaping around your home has a bigger impact than you may realize. Attractive landscaping can increase both your home's curb appeal and its value. Certain landscaping features can also make your home more secure and less vulnerable to break-ins. However, choosing the right landscaping for your home can be a challenge. There are more options than ever to choose from when it comes to your property. Here are three things that homeowners should know about landscaping services for their home. Read More …

About Me
hardscaping areas that won't grow grass easily

I live in an area that is very difficult to grow grass. If I was to water my lawn a couple of times each day, the grass may grow, but that would cost me a small fortune in water bills and waste a lot of water that could be used for more efficient purposes. Instead of fighting the grass to grow, I decided to embrace the dryness of the area and complete the landscape design using mostly hardscape materials. I used rocks of all sizes coupled with wood to create a yard that I love to spend time in and am very proud of. Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.
