
Do you live an area that makes it hard to grow grass? Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.

Tips To Keep Your Hardscape Cool In The Summer

8 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you plan to place a hardscape in your backyard soon, it's important that you keep the area cool in the summer. Although hardscapes can be beautiful additions to your home, they can become hot from the sun's summer heat. If you have small children, pets or older individuals living in your home, you want to keep your hardscape as comfortable as possible for them. Here are some things you can do to make your hardscape enjoyable during the summer months. Read More …

2 Critters That Can Take Over And Old Stump

28 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you had a tree that died and fell in your yard, you may be left with a stump in your yard. Some people think that they can just leave the stump and maybe landscape around it, put some flowers around it, or something similar. However, no matter how pretty you make the area around the stump, you aren't going to make it less attractive to the animals and pests that like to live in stumps. Read More …

Removing Apple Trees Infested With Nematodes To Replant An Orchard

19 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Nematodes are some of the most common and stubborn pests that can be found in an apple orchard. Not only do these tiny roundworms burrow into and damage the roots of your trees, but they also spread diseases that can stunt and reduce the quality of your fruit. Worse still, nematodes and the diseases they carry can remain active in the soil long after their original host trees are removed, which can make replanting on the same land a risky proposition. Read More …

Want To Add Style To Your Side Yard? 3 Landscaping Ideas To Consider

28 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If the side of your home is empty and the landscaping hasn't been done in this area, it's a good idea to look into what kinds of projects you can tackle to improve this area of your property. Since the side of your yard is likely narrow and doesn't receive much sunlight, you'll need to keep these two qualities in mind when deciding what to do with your side yard. The following projects can all be handled by a landscaper and improve the way your yard looks substantially. Read More …

4 Ways To Get Started With Designing Your Dream Outdoor Kitchen For Baking Pizza

26 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your dreams of having your own backyard kitchen are mostly rooted in the idea of enjoying fresh baked pizza at home, there are a number of steps you'll need to take towards getting your yard ready for the new addition. While some outdoor kitchens are designed with a BBQ grill or entertaining friends and family in mind, you'll want to consider a few other factors that will help you get the final look and function you desire. Read More …

About Me
hardscaping areas that won't grow grass easily

I live in an area that is very difficult to grow grass. If I was to water my lawn a couple of times each day, the grass may grow, but that would cost me a small fortune in water bills and waste a lot of water that could be used for more efficient purposes. Instead of fighting the grass to grow, I decided to embrace the dryness of the area and complete the landscape design using mostly hardscape materials. I used rocks of all sizes coupled with wood to create a yard that I love to spend time in and am very proud of. Find out how to use nothing more than hardscape materials to finish your property.
